

First of all…thank you for reading. We are at 3,744 views guys so thank you so much.

“Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.”-Margaret Thatcher. When someone shows you love, kindness, compassion, gives you time and attention, just know that it’s part of their being and the thought behind the act is what matters. Let’s talk.

Have you ever missed someone so bad then you decide to call them and they give you ‘a don’t care attitude’ , You end up regretting why you called in the first place? I don’t think anybody deserves that because someone out of all their contacts decided to talk to you, used their credit and time to literally dial your contact. As simple as it seems, give someone attention and appreciate that they called you. Almost like being in a relationship then your boyfriend or girlfriend calls you or texts you before starting their day…this just means alot and so many people take it for granted. Your partner or spouse texts you in the middle of the day because you crossed their mind but you complain that they are nugging. Don’t you know someone else is trying to get their attention but they chose you? Keep it together because that ‘think’ will someday be ‘thought’ so just show them that they matter too. If it seems also like a bother that someone misses you or texts and you claim to love them, jog your mind or heart because you don’t.

It was on a Monday morning this week and I have this cool uncle called Ibrahim who lives in the states. So he told me,” I have a message that you should pass for me through a guy you need to meet in town in the afternoon.” so I met the guy called John and it was a message to my mum. The message was as simple as a new phone to my mum. My mum had no idea so in the evening after she came from work, I surprise and she thought it was a prank. Well her words were ” someone just took his time, money and despite working two or three jobs a day to just buy me this phone. Indeed it’s the thought that counts.”

That was the inspiration behind this title today. Don’t show people how busy you are all the time when all they need is your time, just a lil time. If someone calls you saying they want to chill with you, it just shows you are the best person to hang around with and you are cool. If you are taken out for dinner or lunch , appreciate it because those are major factors not to be taken for granted. You who is reading my piece, I absolutely appreciate you because you took time, bundles or stole someone’s wifi password just to log in to my account. If people organize a surprise birthday or baby shower just for you, then you really matter and you are special. The thought behind the act is to show you that they love you, you matter and you are appreciated.

Remember also, if someone treats you like crap, that’s how they feel about you. If they act inhuman towards people, that’s their being and soul. If someone can’t ever hold you down or give you time of day, it just shows you aren’t really as important because the same person put to ask to attend someone else’s party that very day you need them will show up. Like I always say, how they treat you is exactly how they feel about you.

Remember, your life is a reflection of your thoughts. So be nice because someone is struggling with something. Create time for people and time will be created for you. Be good to yourself and take care of yourself because, when you look in the mirror, that’s your reflection. Your thoughts should be ‘I am beautiful or handsome ‘.

If you wana spread some love, do that on my page spread some love with Tee.

Thank you for reading…yes, it’s the thought that counts.

33 thoughts on “IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS.”

  1. Absolutely correct Twalha. I like that part of treasuring those who always find time to call you and check on you. .I personally treat them as a valuable Gem..A nice read sister 👍👍👍


  2. This reminds me of that hymn song we used to sing in ryma on Fridays in CU classes ” whats so ever you do to the list of my brothers shall be done unto you”
    Great piece let them keep on coming.


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